Yes, The first shall be last. We believe that we expand the reach of our ministry by taking on a heart of service. There are a number of ways you can participate in ministry at The FIRST. We encourage you and your family to get plugged into a ministry. There are a number of organizations that play a vital role in the worship experience, spiritual growth and development, and the overall ministry of the church.
Here are the various ministry teams, that serve here at The First:
Women's Missionary Society-
Coordinate and unify the work of our mission structure, by establishing and supporting organizations and units to carry out God"s mission in the church, the society and the world.
Lay Organization-
Organize and train the laity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church so that laypersons may maximally utilize their God given abilities and skills to improve and extend the kingdom to create happiness, peace, and harmony among its members.
Department of Christian Education-
Responsible for developing standards, preparing programs, offering classes, teaching Christian education, publishing material, training people for church vocations, including Bible Study, Church School, Children’s church, etc..
Outreach Ministry-
This Ministry is responsible for seeking out, planning and coordinating volunteer opportunities for various boards, committees, auxiliaries, groups, etc.. within the church.
Young People's Division-
Provide meaningful youth training programs in all areas of church life, which will provide for full participation in the total mission of the church.
Foster closer relationships between all men of the church, to equip men of the church for
meaningful service, to reach un-churched men, and to present positive role models for our youth.
Diva's Ministry-
Foster closer relationships between all women of the church, to equip women of the
church for meaningful service, to reach un-churched women, and to present positive role models for our youth.
Kairos Ministry-
Christian faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes
that changes hearts, transforms lives and impact the world.
Media/IT Ministry-
Responsible for developing and managing projects to enhance all social media
Sites/communications, including Facebook, Twitter and, audio/video recording and distribution, website maintenance, etc.
Usher Board-
"Door Keeper" to the church. They greet you at the doors, pass out the Bulletins, and seat members in the sanctuary.
Health Ministry-
Assess the health needs of the congregation, organize a health guild, develop health education training and projects for the congregation, serve as a resource for health information, to
collaborate with community health agencies and associations for health programs and projects, provide first aid as needed during church activities.
Lay Organization-
Organize and train the laity of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church so that laypersons may maximally utilize their God given abilities and skills to improve and extend the kingdom to create happiness, peace, and harmony among its members.